The month of October is marked, in many countries, as International Breast Cancer Awareness Month to "increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as well as palliative care of this disease."*
According to the WHO, "breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women worldwide, both in the developed and developing countries." It is a disease when detected early has a good chance of being cured. However, there is little knoweldge on the cause of breast cancer.
BE.ARUM wishes to take part in raising awareness and supporting research for Breast Cancer during the month of October. In doing what we do best, and also to find purpose in what we do, we've added a touch of pink to our three of our bracelets - Modern Leather, Cheery String, and 그냥 이뻐. These bracelets will be only available for the month of October.
We are also donating part of the proceeds from all Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets sold in the month of October to support research for breast cancer. We will be donating 10% of the purchase of every Breast Cancer Awareness bracelet to select breast cancer foundations including but not limited to Breast Cancer Research Foundation ( and the Korean Beast Cancer Foundation (
Wear pink to show support for Breast Cancer survivors and patients, remember those lost to the disease and to support research and aid to end this disease. Most importantly, let them know, "넌 있는 그대로가 아름다워."
The collection can be found at